The Oswald Spengler Society
for the Study of Humanity and World History

The Oswald Spengler Society engages in the understanding of the principles underlying Human Evolution and World History and its perspectives. It is dedicated to the comparative study of cultures and civilizations, including pre-history, the evolution of humanity as a whole and extrapolations regarding the possible future of man.
"Well I can tell you, it has been something of a life experience to have watched the not so gradual coming into fulfillment in this world of every bit of what Spengler promised." - John Campbell. American Mythologist and Advisor to George Lucas on Star Wars.
"The forgotten Spengler has his revenge by threatening to be right in the end. (...) Spengler has hardly found an opponent worthy of him: collective amnesia provides the escape." - Theodor W. Adorno. German Philosopher and co-founder of the "Frankfurt School".
"Ich wüßte keinen, der die Nationalsozialisten, beim Schlafengehen, im Traum und beim Erwachen, so sehr gehaßt hätte wie eben er." Friedrich Reck-Malleczewen, German physician and author, killed at Dachau.
Interview with Henry Kissinger: "Which philosophers have influenced you most?" Kissinger: "Spinoza, Kant and Spengler. Spinoza, because he developed a thorough concept concerning how thought holds together all objects. Kant, because he explained the relation between the human spirit and the universe. And Spengler, whom I do not follow in every respect, because he took a most interesting look at the growth and decline of civilisations. What fascinated me most was the thought that civilisations formed a coherent whole, to which all its expressions were tightly related."