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Conference 2018:

100 Years after the Publication of "The Decline of the West":

Oswald Spengler in an Age of Globalisation


Award of the "Oswald Spengler Prize" to Michel Houellebecq

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On 17-19 October 2018, the newly founded “Oswald Spengler Society” recently held a scholarly conference on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the publication of “The Decline of the West”, one of the most important –and notorious - works on the philosophy of history of the 20th century. The conference was followed by the first public award of the “Oswald Spengler Prize” to Michel Houellebecq.

The Awarding of the First Oswald Spengler Prize in the Media


  • Michel Houellebecq: Wie man nicht ausstirbt, in: Die Welt 20.10.2018 (Click HERE)

  • -: Michel Houellebecq von Spengler-Society ausgezeichnet, in: BRF 20.10.2018 (Click HERE)

  • ts: Michel Houellebecq: Der Niedergang und die kommende christliche Erneuerung Europas, in: Bund Sankt Michael 20.10. 2018 (Click HERE)

  • Axel Rüth: Gebärmütter als Hoffnung für das Abendland, in: Die Welt 21.10.2018 (Click HERE)

  • Tano Gerke: Michel Houellebecq: Europa begeht besondere Form des Selbstmords, in: Tagesstimme 21.10.2018 (Click HERE)

  • Carlos Xavier Blanco: La sociedad "Oswald Spengler" premia al escritor Michel Houellebecq, autor profético sobre la islamización de Francia, in: La tribuna del Pais Vasco 22.10.2018 (Click HERE)

  • David Berger: Houellebecq: Den „Untergang des Abendlandes“ mit dem Katholizismus aufhalten, in: Philosophie Perennis 23.10.2018 (Click HERE)

  • Sid Lukkassen: Houellebecq: Demography is Destiny, in: 23.10.2018 (Click HERE)

  • David Engels: Ein Mord findet statt, in: Tagespost 24.10.2018 (Click HERE)

  • Michel Janva: Houellebecq: “Il vaudrait mieux que la religion catholique reprenne le dessus”, in: Le salon beige 25.10.2018 (Click HERE)

  • Geoffrey Lejeune: Déambulation bruxelloise avec Michel Houellebecq, in: Valeurs Actuelles 25.10.2018, 16-20 (Click HERE)

  • Dezsö Csejtei: Oswald Spengler kései Bosszúja, in:  Magyar Idök 31.10.2018 (Click HERE)

  • Marie-Cécile Royen: Le déclin selon Michel Houellebecq, in: Le Vif-L'Express 1.11.2018 (Click HERE)

  • David Engels, The Spengler Society and Michel Houellebecq, in: European Conservative, 19.2.2019. For more information, click HERE.

  • Michel Houellebecq : le suicide de l’Occident résultat de deux déclins, l’un démographique, l’autre religieux, in:, 20.3.2019. For more information, click HERE.

Conference programme:

17th-19th October 2018, German Eifel

(for abstracts, click HERE)


17 October


11h                   Latest Departure of the Shuttle Service from Brussels Airport

13h                  Latest Departure of the Shuttle Service from Cologne/Bonn Airport

14h                  Registration of the Participants at conference venue (German Eifel)

14h15              Welcome Address by the Board of the “Spengler Society”

                         Welcome Address by Ludger Kusenberg (download HERE)



















Section 1: The Foundations of Spengler’s Thought


14h30             Hercules Boshoff, Becoming Unmoved: Aristotle, Spengler and the Development of Automation.

15h15              Marina Christodoulou, Man and Habits. A Contribution to the Addiction of/to Life (Inspired by Oswald Spengler)


16h                  Coffee Break


Section 2: The Relativity of Cultures


16h30             DezsÅ‘ Csejtei, The Role of Landscape in Spengler’s „Untergang des Abendlandes“

17h15              Gerd Morgenthaler, Das Verhältnis des Rechts zum Weltbild seiner Urheber in Oswald Spenglers Thesen zur Rechtsgeschichte


18h                  Break


Keynote Speech


18h15              Alexander Demandt


19h                  Drinks

19h30             Dinner


18 October


Section 3: The Reception of ‘The Decline of the West’


8h45               Jack Dumonde, Between Pessimism and amor fati: the Changing Anglo-American Interpretations of Oswald Spengler’s Philosophy of History

9h30               Jasper Trautsch, Oswald Spengler and ‘the West’: The Changing Interpretations of his Work in the English-Speaking Press


10h15              Coffee Break


10h45             Sven Günther / Zhang Hongxia, Spengler’s China, China’s Spengler –  Intellectual Discourses between East and West

11h30              Gregory Swer, Science Fiction: Science, Vaihinger and Spengler’s Fictionalist Philosophy of Science


12h15              Lunch Break


Section 4: On the Margins of Eurocentrism


14h                  Christian Roy, Space, Time and the Christian Matrix of the Faustian Man

14h45              David Engels, Spengler on India, Mexico and Babylonia


15h30             Coffee Break


16h                  Froll Vladimirow, Russland: „ein matter Nachzügler“ des Abendlandes oder „das Versprechen einer kommenden Kultur“?


16h45              Common Afternoon Activity


Evening Keynote Speech


18h15              Max Otte


19h                  Drinks

19h30             Dinner


19 October


Section 5: ‘Spengler heute’


8h45               Greg Lewicki, Spengler, Networks and an EU-like Roman Empire. Why We Are Entering a Neomedieval Era

9h30             Sid Lukkassen, Spengler’s Philosophy of History as a Therapy for Naivity and Utopianism


10h15              Coffee Break


10h45              Alena Rettóva, Philosophy, Colonialism, and “The Decline of the Occident”

11h30              Closing Remarks by the board of the Spengler Society


12h 15             Lunch Break














14h                  Travel to Brussels

17h                  Hotel Check-in


Awarding of the Oswald Spengler Price (Brussels)


18h                  Ceremony: Award of the first Oswald Spengler Prize

20h                  Dinner


20 October


10h Departure of the Shuttle to Brussels Airport and to Cologne Airport


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First Award of the

Oswald Spengler Prize

19th October 2018


The “Oswald Spengler Society” is pleased to announce the first public award of the “Oswald Spengler Prize” to Michel Houellebecq.


Place of the Ceremony:


Hotel Stanhope, Rue du Commerce 9, 1000 Bruxelles













Provisional programme:


17h30: Arrival of participants


18h00: Welcome address and laudatio of the laureate by the board of the Oswald Spengler Society


18h30: Award of the first Oswald Spengler Prize to Michel Houellebecq


18h35: Address by the laureate















19h00: Drinks


20h00: End of the Ceremony


Participation in the ceremony is free; however, for pratical reasons, formal inscriptions would be most welcome (

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